• Why is the club offering a free MRC?

    Our core aim as a club is to enhance road safety - continually. Passing a test is a great achievement, but is also just the beginning. An MRC is a valuable opportunity to consider a rider progression plan, or simply a chance to refresh on some fundamentals. The free MRC is done with 2 riders and 1 observer, so you also get the benefit to meet others and consider each others ride.

    The club will make the fuel contribution to the observer as port of your group membership.

  • What is a Rider Progression Plan?

    It sounds very grand, but actually its very simple - we all want to be life time learners, improving our ride continually, particularly from a safety perspective. As a club we want to map out the pathways of learning - from test pass, to F1RST, to Masters, or perhaps becomming an observer, or a ride leader etc etc. It might just be that it’s been a long time since you passed and you would like a refresher course before starting further training. The Rider Progression Plan is a way of definining an individual pathway for the club to help you progress as a rider.

  • What is the aim of Rock up and Ride?

    We want to make sure there is low key ride organised each Saturday that anyone* can join without the need to register etc. It won’t be a long ride to Devon and back, but on a Saturday morning it will give an opportunity for everyone to meet at Forest Inn, share a breakfast, and then explore somewhere in Dorset/Wessex. We hope this will bring the club together, be a great step into meeting others for those who have just passed their test, as well as supporting the journey for associates cleared for group rides.

    Who can join? All members and associates cleared for group rides are welcome, please check with your observer

    Want to join in? Just rock up on a Saturday morning at Forest Inn by 09:30 and join the ride. Simple as that.

  • What is the difference between a free & premium MRC?

    The premium MRC is essentially what the club has been offering for a long time already. For a £10 contribution to fuel, you get a 1:1 session with an experienced observer who can discuss in detail any area you want to improve, or assess for starting F1RST training, or Masters etc.

    The Free MRC is available once a year for ALL members, and is conducted with two riders to one observer to put safety front and centre in what we do as a club.

  • What is changing with club nights?

    In 2025 there will be a club night EVERY month (except April & September where the club night is replaced with the Holt days). Speakers will be arranged throughout the year as well as occasionally spending an evening debating a topical safety point. These are fun evenings, off our bikes and just socialising together at Cobham sports and social club. Come and meet us there and see what we mean about being a fun and friendly club that is ready to welcome all.

  • Will there still be the normal Club and Social Rides?

    YES! As well as Rock Up and Ride, we have over 80 rides planned for 2025! These will be advertised on the website as well as our regular mailings. Rides take place on Sundays, Wednesdays and in the summer some additional rides out in the evenings. Keep an eye on your inbox, or subscribe to the club calendar and register your interest.

    We hope Rock up and Ride will encourage people to join in with the other rides on offer.